Evaluation Study of Jockey Club ‘age at home’ Gerontech Education and Rental Service

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service2022 - 2024 z

To evaluate the effectiveness of the Jockey Club ‘age at home’ Gerontech Education and Rental Service.

Annual review of Gerontechnology Platform

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service2022 - 2024

To assess the performance of HKCSS, as the intermediary of the Gerontechnology Platform

Impact assessement of Gerontechnology Platform

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service2022 - 2024

Design and implement a mechanism to regularly measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the GT Platform against its objective as a change agent to form a new culture for gerontechnology development and adoption.

Survey on the demand for private long-term care insurance in Hong Kong

Education University2019-2020

Provision of household survey services for a project namely “How to Increase the Demand for Private Long-term Care Insurance in Hong Kong

Consultancy Services for Study on the needs of elderly singletons, elderly couples, and caregivers on various community support services in Tai Po and North District

Fung Ying Seen Koon2017-2018

This project is to explore the needs of elderly singleton, elderly couples and caregivers on various community support, home care and maintenance rehabilitation services in Tai Po and North District.

A Study on Silver Hair Market

Central Policy Unit, the Government of the Hong Kong SAR2011

The survey aimed to assess the existing silver hair market in Hong Kong.

Consultancy Study on Community Care Services for the Elderly

Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong2011

The survey collected the views from the elderly on community care services.

Consultancy Study on Residential Care Services for the Elderly

Elderly Commission2010-2011

The survey is aimed to collect information for soon-to-be-old and elderly for their views on residential care services